Brooke Wiggs – Personal Trainer and Wellness Coach

Personal Trainer and Wellness Coach – Greetings! I am Brooke Wiggs, a dedicated personal trainer and wellness coach, committed to guiding you towards achieving your health and fitness goals, no matter how big or small they may be. Whether you aim for a sculpted physique, improved nutrition, hormonal balance, muscle gain, weight loss, lifestyle equilibrium, or efficient weight training, I am here to support you on your journey with utmost dedication and expertise.

My approach is not just about short-term achievements; it’s about creating sustainable changes that will positively impact your life in the long run. After all, there’s no satisfaction in working hard to attain your objectives only to see them slip away within a few months or years. My primary objective is to empower you to become the best version of yourself, both inside and out, and I’m thrilled to embark on this transformative journey with you.

With my personalized coaching and training sessions, you can expect exceptional guidance and tailored strategies to suit your unique needs. Together, we will devise a comprehensive plan that fits seamlessly into your lifestyle, making it easier for you to adhere to and see significant results. As your dedicated coach, I will provide the motivation and expertise you need to overcome challenges, break through plateaus, and maintain consistent progress towards your aspirations.

I strongly believe that physical fitness and overall well-being go hand in hand. As we work together, I will not only focus on enhancing your physical performance but also on improving your mental and emotional well-being. I am a firm believer that a healthy mind is the foundation for a healthy body.

My commitment to your success knows no bounds. I am passionate about empowering you with the knowledge and tools to make informed decisions about your health and fitness. Together, we will develop a strong foundation that will enable you to make lasting changes and embrace a healthier lifestyle for years to come.

So, if you’re ready to embark on a transformative journey towards a healthier and happier you, I am eager to be your partner in this endeavor. Let’s get started, and together, we’ll bring out the best version of yourself.

Bryce Ward – Personal Trainer in San Marcos

Hi my name is Bryce Ward,
A little about me !!

I was born and raised in Northern Kentucky moving to San Marcos with my family. In 2017 I decided to attend Cal State San Marcos, to receive my bachelor of science in Kinesiology, which I recently obtained in 2021. After the first year into the program, I immediately knew personal training was my passion. I am fully dedicated to helping individuals with rehabilitation, wellness, and fitness goals.

My journey in fitness began when I was very young, I have been active my whole life with weight lifting and sports. I started my career very young playing in highly competitive sports such as football and baseball. I played baseball for 10 years in both high school and state select teams. My competitive drive, teamwork, and determination led to my interest in weight lifting and training because it was constantly a part of my lifestyle being coached by some of the top trainers in their field.

Since graduating with my B.S. in Kinesiology from California State San Marcos and NASM certification, I have been training individuals for over 4 years now and have been training myself for 8 years and I have absolutely fell in love with movement and fitness, thus I wanted to share and experience how I can help you with your own goals and aspirations.

My goal as a personal trainer is to provide my clients the knowledge, skills and ability necessary to establish safe and effective fitness schedules that can be used for a lifetime.
I provide structure & consistency through personalized programs that focus on developing good habits and maintaining them throughout your fitness journey, nutritional blueprint and additional fitness tools to ensure progression so that your goals are met in a timeframe that is healthy and sustainable. I also have specialized programs for athletes that focus on resistance/hypertrophy training, corrective exercises and nutritional/supplementation guidance.

Isn’t it time to place your health and well-being first? To learn more about how I can help you with that contact……


What is your Training Specialty?
Corrective Exercise, Strength Training, Hypertrophy/bodybuilding Training, Mobility & Stretching

Courtney Ferguson – Personal Trainer

Hi there, my name is Courtney and I have been a trainer here at Self Made Training Facility San Marcos for the past 6 years, but that’s not where my story begins.

When I was in my mid twenties I was overweight and was starting to suffer from secondary health issues that come along with being overweight. Every time I saw the doctor my blood pressure was extremely high, cholesterol levels were not that of a healthy young adult, and I could barely walk anywhere without getting out of breath.

One day I decided enough was enough, it was time for me to focus on myself, lose weight, and get healthy. Lost and unsure what to do, I hired a personal trainer to help me. I lost 75 pounds through exercise and proper nutrition. Here I am 35 years old and still maintain that weight loss today.

Through my own personal transformation, I discovered my love for fitness and want to help others who wanted to transform their life as well. I have done your standard “bodybuilding” style workouts, CrossFit, completive powerlifting, Muay Thai, and most recently pole fitness.

I want to teach women that fitness can be fun, no matter what age you are, if you want to loose weight or gain weight, or if you just want to be strong. I want to show you that being healthy is an attainable goal through changing bad habits into good ones and adopting a fitness routine that fits your lifestyle. With my various training certifications and life coaching certifications, we can come up with a plan together that will leave you feeling empowered and healthy.

I offer a number of different training options: group training, 1-on-1 private training, and online coaching.

So are you ready to have some fun?

If you are interested in hiring me as your coach, please contact me by the phone number or email listed above to set-up your FREE consultation in person or via Zoom.

Cristina Gutierrez – Glute Building and Body Recomposition

I am a NASM CPT, fitness coach, mother, entrepreneur and former bikini competitor. I inspire women to live healthy, balanced lives through fitness. My training programs focus on developing strength & confidence while getting fit & learning simple, healthy habits.⁣⁣ Exercise is so much more than just exercise alone. That’s what sets my business apart, I take into account what it means to be healthy and address the entire picture with each of my clients.
I offer small group training, 1:1 training and online programs designed specifically to fit your goals. You don’t even need a gym, just a goal and the drive to work hard.

Personalized training programs through my exclusive training app, basic nutrition coaching with weekly check ins to hold you accountable. I offer a free first time call to get an idea of your history, goals, and if we are a good fit!


I train my clients out of a training facility where I pay rent for the benefit of privacy and space. I provide you with the best 60-minute workout specific for your goals that will leave you sweaty, euphoric, and excited for the next session!

I offer a complimentary consultation where we will communicate to gain a solid idea of what you’re looking for so I can create a specific program custom for YOU.

With my education background, experience, and unique approach, I will hold you accountable and motivate you to reach your health goals!

I would love to connect with you! Email me at or click one of the links below to schedule a free consultation call.

You can follow me on Instagram at

Diego Dengel – Certified Trainer in San Marcos

Hello! I am a 27 year old personal trainer with 5 years of experience helping people achieve their goals. I have worked with a variety of clients with all types of exercise experience from beginner weightlifting to experienced athletes. My goal is to make fitness and health a permanent and enjoyable part of your life. Often times getting started is the hardest part but I am here to make that process easier for you! Hiring a personal trainer does not need to be a permeant commitment, I want to give you the tools to grow and build confidence in the gym so that someday you can train on your own without hesitation or concern.

About me:
I am the youngest of 6 guys in my family. I have played sports my entire life from competing in Karate tournaments for 15 years to Basketball, Soccer, Rugby, Tennis, Track and Field. This gave me an early insight into fitness and health and showed me how important it is to workout and build a strong body from a young age. Once I graduated high school I went to collage in Hawaii and ASU to learn more about kinesiology and how the body works. I have been studying, breathing, and participating in exercise science for the past 20 years. My favorite part of my day is working out because it brings me mental clarity and it motivates me to get 1% better every day. That might be embarrassing to some but for me it shows how passionate I am about building muscle, losing fat, and achieving goals. Not only for myself but for my clients as well. Currently I train in a more bodybuilding style but with a functional aspect because I still enjoy playing sports and being active on a day to day basis.

What to expect as my client:
I love having committed clients who truly want to change their lives for the better. If you come into the gym with the mindset of improving your health then I will be just as motivated if not more so to help you achieve your goals. I enjoy pushing my clients, not to the point that you wont want to come back but to the point that you will feel like you’re getting what you pay for. Effort is the number one key to progress. If you put effort in and out the gym there is no denying that progress will come. I will give you all the tools you need to succeed including Online Training, Nutrition advice, Personalized Workout Programs, and In Person Training, or Group Training. So if your goal is to build muscle, lose fat, gain strength, fix a nagging injury, expand your workout knowledge, build better eating habits, be more confident in the gym, workout with a friend, build a better chest, glutes, arms etc. or improve in mobility or a sport. reach-out to me I promise I can help you.

What is your Training Specialty?
Muscle building, Strength Training, Body Composition

Erika Fang

Hi there darlin! Name’s Erika; I am an experienced fitness training professional with a background in strength training/bodybuilding, weight loss, and overall lifestyle change. For the past five years I’ve been living a full-time lifestyle focused on health and wellness.

My interests surrounding health and fitness began at an early age when my grandfather and mother both suffered from strokes. Witnessing the power of preventative strategies filled me with the determination to live a healthy lifestyle, motivating me to commit to training and physical activity.

I then took that passion and determination to the next level while I was deployed in Afghanistan. The physical and mental demands of the situation I found myself in drove me to pursue fitness more vigorously, as a means of maintaining mental stability while in a combat zone and recovering from a tumultuous relationship. The gym became my safe haven, center of growth, and source of strength.

My experience in Afghanistan further developed my passion for health and greater purpose. Upon returning, I dedicated myself to specialist training in bodybuilding, strength training, and lifestyle adaptation. I now don full time employment in the fitness industry, helping my clients reach their physical, mental, and emotional goals.

My main objective as a professional fitness trainer is to help my clients live healthier, happier, and balanced lives. I am highly motivated and strive to create meaningful relationships that support my clients in achieving a healthier, fit, and active lifestyle. For me, nothing has greater value than helping others reach and exceed their potential through physical, spiritual, and emotional training.

It would be my pleasure to be a part of your journey to health, fitness, and a loving relationship with your own body!

Ian Lowery – Personal Trainer in San Marcos

How’s it going?

My name is Ian Lowery. I am a Fitness Coach based in San Marcos, CA.

I help everyday people live a better life by showing them how to move their body and build healthier habits without letting their life become consumed by the process.

I base my training style on four core beliefs.

First, fitness doesn’t need to be complicated or consume your life to get you the results you want.

Second, everyone should have access to exercise and a healthy lifestyle, no matter their current fitness level, their schedule, or their previous experience. If you’re willing to show up and do the work, you’re always welcome.

Third, everyone has the ability to make massive change in their life by making small changes to their habits. All it takes is perseverance, consistency, commitment, and a lot of patience. Not easy, but simple.

And fourth, fitness should be fun. You don’t have to love every second of it but if what you’re doing makes you miserable, you won’t stick to it long term.

My mission is to help my clients be the healthiest, happiest version of themselves without being consumed by the process of achieving their goals. That’s why we’ll work to find the habits and solutions that work for you, your goals, and your life.

We will use a variety of workout styles to make every session challenging but fun with a mix of resistance, cardio, balance, and flexibility training to keep your muscles guessing, spike your metabolism and keep you coming back for more.

A little about me, I became a personal trainer by accident.

I struggled with my own weight in my early twenties as a result of poor diet and limited exercise. I tried to figure out how to lose the weight on my own through lots of trial and error with no success to show for it. Around the same time I started my fitness journey, I went back to college to become a PE teacher and football coach. After a few semesters, I found I loved my fitness and nutrition related classes the most and switched my focus to get my degree in Exercise Science.

Along the way I started applying what I was learning in class to myself and was able to lose 45 lbs. by the time I graduated.

I understand the frustration of wanting to get in shape and be healthy and the confusion of not knowing where to start or who to trust.

That’s why I’m on a mission to help others who find themselves in a similar situation I was in learn the tools they need to get the most effective and sustainable results. My goal is to eventually get every client to the point they no longer need me because they have everything they need to know to continue to be successful.

My favorite thing to see as a trainer is that little smile on my clients face when they accomplish something they didn’t think they could do, be it lifting a heavier weight, doing an exercise they couldn’t do a week or a month before or hitting their goals.

That’s why I love my job. I love helping people be the best version of themselves.

Because of my experience with my own weight loss, I make it my responsibility to help others reach and exceed their goals without having to struggle like I did.

That doesn’t mean we can’t have a little fun while we work. Let’s take the fitness serious but try not to take ourselves too seriously along the way.

Remember, fitness is supposed to be fun.

 Be Awesome Today!

Personal Trainer in San Marcos

Jackilyn Lowry – Personal Trainer in San Marcos

Jackilyn is a highly skilled and dedicated fitness professional who is thrilled to have finally made her passion her career. With over 18 years of experience in training and weightlifting and 10 years of certification as a personal trainer, Jackilyn has an extensive background in the fitness industry.

In addition to her passion for fitness, Jackilyn has spent the past 7 years working as a police officer in San Diego. During her time as a police officer, she utilized fitness as a means of coping with the stress and demands of the job, as well as staying physically prepared for any challenges that may arise in the field.

Aside from her professional pursuits, Jackilyn is also a dedicated figure competitor and has developed a true passion for the world of bodybuilding. She has a strong belief in the power of fitness to empower women and help them become their strongest, most confident selves.

With her passion for fitness, her dedication to her clients, and her extensive experience, Jackilyn is well-positioned to inspire and motivate women to achieve their fitness goals. She is committed to showing the world that strength is indeed beautiful and is excited to continue pursuing her career in the fitness industry.


Jeremy Meinecke – Muscle Building/Fat loss – Body Transformation Specialist

Personal Fitness Trainer – Hello! I’m Jeremy, an experienced fitness enthusiast with 20 years of involvement in the San Diego fitness community. Over the years, I have acquired extensive knowledge in various training styles such as bodybuilding, powerlifting, crossfit, martial arts, high-intensity interval training, and yoga. My passion for fitness has kept me dedicated to this journey, as it brings immense joy and fulfillment to my life. And now, I want to share that amazing feeling with you!With a personalized approach to training, I focus on tailoring workouts to individual goals. Whether you want to shed those extra pounds, reduce body fat, increase muscle mass, enhance flexibility, target specific muscle groups, improve mood and confidence, or simply enhance overall well-being, I have you covered.One of the key aspects of my training is the inclusion of customized diet plans. These plans are designed based on your preferred food choices and your body’s unique tolerance. I understand that everyone has different tastes and dietary requirements, so I believe in providing diet recommendations that are enjoyable and sustainable.If you’re ready to take charge of your life, feel better, and achieve your fitness goals, don’t hesitate to reach out to me. You can call or text for more information, and I will be more than happy to assist you on your journey. Together, we can create a comprehensive fitness plan that aligns with your aspirations, making every step towards your goals a rewarding experience.I am eagerly looking forward to speaking with you and helping you embark on this transformative journey. Remember, a healthier and happier you is just a phone call away!

What is your Training Specialty?
Muscle Building and Fat Loss
What certifications do you have?
NASM Certified
before and after personal training pictures

John Wilson – Certified Expert in Weight Management

Since I could remember I have always been struggling with my weight. Always playing sports, I could never get my weight down. Failing over, and over again throughout the 90’s and 00’s. 10 years ago I decided to change, and not allow myself to quit. My lifestyle went from one of sedentary, and poor nutrition. To one of activity, and nutritiously fulfilling. In the span of 14 weeks, I was able to drop 100lbs, going from well over 300lbs to nearly 200lbs. It was then that I decided helping others achieve their weight loss goals, as well as promoting a balanced healthy lifestyle was my passion.

Often, I’ll get asked what you can expect when training with me. It’s simple, training with me is like gaining a partner and a teacher on your fitness journey. I am not a drill sergeant. Questions, concerns, and understanding of why we do everything is paramount for your growth. I am someone that deeply cares about his clients, this means you always have someone who is passionate, educational, and supportive in your corner. Integrity is the foundation for accountability. In order to reach your goals, I need to always be open and honest with you. The training doesn’t stop when you exit the facility.

“This is the Best Investment and gift I have ever given myself.” -John Harper, DC and over 100lbs weight loss

“I cannot speak highly enough of John as my fitness coach! He has been an invaluable partner in helping me heal from a shoulder injury while also building muscle, despite already being a seasoned lifter. With his help, I’ve been able to gain an impressive 6 pounds of lean muscle mass in less than 6 months, which is no small feat considering my lifting experience and the fact that I’m nearing 40 years old with a decade long shoulder issue.” – Ken M.

Training Experience & Certificates


What is your Training Specialty?
Certified Expert in Weight management, Serior training, and Muscle building

Jordyn Canas – Strength Training & Body Transforming Coach

Strength Training & Body Transforming Coach

– Hey everybody, I’m Coach Jordyn, I’m a LGBTQ+ , Miami Girl living in California. My heritage blends Cuban and English roots, enriching my perspective on life and fitness.

My journey into the world of fitness began with a Bachelor of Science in APK Fitness and Wellness from the University of Florida, Go Gators! Eager to expand my horizons, I made the leap to California in 2019, seeking new opportunities and experiences.

My professional journey includes a rewarding internship at a strength and conditioning facility, where I played a pivotal role in preparing college football players for the NFL combine. Subsequently, my path led me to a corporate gym environment, where I worked with clients of diverse ages, backgrounds, and fitness aspirations. This experience nurtured my belief in the transformative power of personalized fitness programs.

In October 2021, I embraced a new challenge by competing in my first figure bodybuilding competition. Since then, I’ve participated in four shows, continually refining my approach to physique transformation and mental resilience.

In 2022, fueled by a passion for fitness and empowering others, I embarked on a new chapter by joining Self Made and establishing my own fitness business, Mind Over Muscle. Mind Over Muscle reminds us that a strong mind is the foundation for a strong body. My motto is don’t knock the hustle.

My training approach is rooted in empathy and inclusivity. Drawing from my background in sports like basketball and volleyball, having weight loss journey of my own and becoming a bodybuilder. I understand the journey of transforming bodies, be it shedding body fat or gaining muscle. I welcome everyone, regardless of shape, size, or fitness level, emphasizing the importance of a healthy diet and trusting the process.

Central to my mission is creating a safe and welcoming space, especially for individuals from the LGBTQ+ community. I believe the gym should be a sanctuary for personal growth, both physically and mentally. Beyond physical changes, I strive to help clients see progress beyond the scale, fostering a sense of well-being.

One of my signature programs is the Booty BootCamp, a fun and effective way to sculpt and strengthen the glutes. My clients, lovingly referred to as #JordysPeaches, form a supportive community where we celebrate victories and push boundaries together.

With a blend of my experience, knowledge, and unwavering passion, I am committed to helping you achieve your fitness goals and live a happier, healthier life. Together, we can embark on a transformative journey at Mind Over Muscle. Let’s make progress, one step at a time.

Lawrence Taylor – Trainer & Body Expert

LT is a personal trainer, fashion consultant, style expert, and body coach operating in the vibrant San Diego County. He is driven by a strong passion for empowering individuals to look and feel their absolute best. With his extensive knowledge and experience, LT is here to guide you on the path to discovering your true self and style, while also boosting your confidence for a thriving dating life.

Whether your goal is to sculpt your physique, rock your own unique fashion style, or both, LT is equipped with the essential tools and expertise to help you achieve success. He holds various certifications in kickboxing, personal training, nutrition, and kettlebells, ensuring that he can provide comprehensive support to his clients.

When working with LT, you can expect personalized training programs tailored to suit your specific needs, preferences, and goals. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned fitness enthusiast, he has the knowledge and skills to create customized workouts that will challenge and motivate you, propelling you towards your desired results.

Additionally, as a fashion consultant and style expert, LT offers invaluable insights and guidance to help you curate a wardrobe that reflects your individuality and boosts your confidence. He understands the transformative power of personal style and is dedicated to helping you embrace your true self through the clothing you wear.

LT believes that achieving a healthy and attractive body is not just about physical appearance, but also about feeling confident and comfortable in your own skin. His holistic approach emphasizes the importance of both physical and mental wellness, ensuring that you develop a positive relationship with your body and gain a renewed sense of self-assurance.

If you’re ready to embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and style enhancement, LT is here to support and inspire you every step of the way. Unlock your full potential and radiate confidence by reaching out to LT today.

Monica Salamanca – Health & Performance Coach


I’m Monica and I’m a Certified Strength and Conditioning Coach (CSCS) and Precision Nutritionist (PNL1) who specializes in helping people with goals like fat loss, muscle growth, and strength and conditioning/ sports performance. What really drives my passion as a strength coach, is when clients start to notice our training inside the gym helping them do what they love outside the gym.

I’ve worked with a variety of clients ranging from moms of 3 to high school volleyball athletes training for their sport. For the past six years, I have been helping others establish a consistent routine with their exercise and eating habits and get stronger in the gym, while embracing a more positive relationship with food & their bodies.

I used to be obsessed with dieting and always hopped on the newest diet trend which never lasted very long. When I first started trying to let go of my food rules, I was completely overwhelmed and out of control. You could not leave me alone with peanut butter, cereal, cookies, or really any carbs. I felt like total garbage! I kept ping-ponging between restricting and stuffing my face. But with time and lots of trial-and-error, eventually, I found a FABULOUS balance!

Because I don’t believe anyone should struggle as much as I did OR take on this journey alone!

I’m here to help you break free from the crash diets and the all or nothing mentality and finally learn how to approach nutrition and exercise in a way that is balanced, flexible and fits into your unique lifestyle. Together, we’ll develop simple but effective practices that are aligned with your fitness goal.

➡Online Coaching includes:

Personalized training programs accessible in the exclusive client portal. Whether you’ll be working out in your home or in a gym, I will program you a training split that’s flexible, safe, simple and effective. Online coaching comes with nutrition guidance, common food lists and recipe guides to help you feel educated and empowered with your eating choices. You have the option to choose between a weekly or bi-weekly check-in depending on your desired level of accountability. Please email to chat more about your goals and see if we would be a good fit!

➡In Person Training Includes:

60 minute training sessions ranging from 1-3 times per week depending on how much guidance and in-person coaching you would like, optional body composition assessments and progress checks, and basic nutrition guidance with access to recipes to feed your inspiration, get you excited about your meals, and fuel your body with the proper nutrition it needs! Please click the link below to book a free consultation or email me at to chat more.

If you’re ready to start working towards a balanced approach with your health and fitness goals, and enjoy the process, I’d love to chat with you more!

Contact me via email, find me on instagram below, or complete the intake form below.

Training Experience & Certificates
NSCA Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist

Precision Nutrition Level 1 Coach



Ron Machingo – Personal Trainer in San Marcos

My name is Ron Machingo. I’m 62 years old. I have been a Sports Therapist for 12 years and a fitness coach for 6 years. I established my businesses located in the San Marcos Facility nearly 5 years ago, shortly after its opening. My greatest desire in the Fitness world is to be known as an educator, motivator and successful as a Therapist and fitness entrepreneur.

Many years ago as I worked with a great pastor growing a small church, I remember a visiting missionary pulled me to the side and told me God gave me hands that will heal people and don’t waste that gift. I can tell you at the time I thought “oh yea, right, I’ll be a doctor “ lol.. Life went on from then till now.

Today I feel that prophetic word is coming to pass. As a Sports Therapist, Corrective Exercise Specialist and Health and Fitness Coach I have seen my hands at work and I’m loving every minute I can help and I’m watching people move better and regain a pain free life again. It fills my heart with so much happiness and satisfaction. No one can tell me I’m in the wrong place.

I can only say to you, as it took many years to see this pass for me, reach into your heart deeply and find what hints god is sending you to help provide your direction. We are all seeking that happiness and enthusiasm in our life. Don’t let worldly things like Money, Instagram and Facebook direct or create your success. It’s all only temporary, like many things in this world. There is a more powerful way, a more meaningful and long lasting way. Through God’s Blessings. May God Bless You Today!

Please work to be happy and healthy in your mind, body and most importantly, your soul.

Tanya Resendez – NASM Personal Trainer in San Marcos

Personal Trainer in San Marcos – Hey everyone! My name is Tanya, and I’ve been a personal trainer at Self Made San Marcos since 2019. I have a passion for fitness that was sparked when I made a lifestyle change and experienced the incredible benefits it brought to my own life. Since becoming a trainer, I have primarily focused on training women, especially after becoming a mother myself.

As women, we often go through various life phases that can lead us to neglect our physical and mental health. However, I am here to help you regain that confidence and take control of your well-being. My ultimate goal as a trainer is not just to help you achieve a body transformation, but also to guide you towards living a healthier and more active lifestyle.

My training programs are centered around making sustainable lifestyle changes, establishing better eating habits, and pushing yourself to achieve your fitness goals. I believe that small, consistent steps are key to long-term success and results. By implementing these lifestyle changes, you can experience lasting improvements in both your physical and mental well-being.

Whether you are a new mom looking to regain your pre-pregnancy body or a woman who has simply lost motivation, I am dedicated to helping you along your journey. Together, we will work towards your individual goals and create a personalized plan that suits your unique needs.

I understand the struggles that women face, and I strive to create a supportive and empowering environment where you feel comfortable and motivated to push yourself beyond your limits. With my guidance and expertise, you can build a foundation of strength, resilience, and self-confidence that positively impacts all aspects of your life.

So, if you are ready to bring back your confidence, improve your fitness, and make positive changes that will last a lifetime, I am here to be your dedicated trainer and help you every step of the way. Let’s start this amazing journey together!

Toby Michel – Specialized Weight Loss Trainer

Personal Trainer in San Marcos – What’s up guys? I’m Toby, a personal trainer here at Self Made San Marcos. I started my fitness journey 3 years ago when I realized I needed to make a change for the better.  Diving in head first I hit my share of speed bumps, however nothing stopped me in my pursuit to a healthier, better life. Through my journey I have lost over 100 pounds of fat, cultivated strength I never thought I could obtain, and built habits that enable me to live a productive happy life. My goal is to give back and help people on their journey.I believe everyone has their own avenue they can travel through fitness. I am here to help guide you in that right direction. One of the most crucial aspects is building consistency which will start to be cemented in you once we start working together towards your goals. Whether you are just starting out your fitness journey.